Green Seattle Partnership Forest Steward Field Guide

        Green Seattle Partnership Forest Steward Field Guide

          Article summary

          The Green Seattle Partnership is tasked with restoring and stewarding all 2,751 acres of forested natural areas in Seattle, working in partnership with parks department staff, contractors, nonprofits, and volunteers. This Field Guide is a quick reference for Forest Steward volunteers on how to get started and proceed with community-based forest restoration at their neighborhood parks. It contains basic, yet essential information needed to start and implement site restoration plans and track progress.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • Ecological restoration practices that can be implemented in urban forest stewardship. 
          • An explanation of the role and importance of urban forest stewardship. 
          • Ecological restoration phases (Phase 1: Invasive Plant Management, Phase 2: Planting, Phase 3: Plant Establishment, Phase 4: Long-Term Stewardship and Maintenance).

          How to use this resource:

          • To restore and maintain the forested parklands and designated natural areas of Seattle.
          • To expand and galvanize an informed, involved, and active community around forest restoration and stewardship. 
          • As a guide for volunteers, professional crews, community partners, and staff to advance in the process of restoring Seattle’s forested parklands. 

          Author: Green Seattle Partnership

          Date published: 2022

          Point of contact: 

          Citation:  Green Seattle Partnership. 2022. Forest steward field guide. Seattle, WA.

          Resource is available online here.


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