Leadership Learning Communities, Scientific Sustenance, and Adventures in Inspiration Feedback Loops in Baltimore, Maryland

        Leadership Learning Communities, Scientific Sustenance, and Adventures in Inspiration Feedback Loops in Baltimore, Maryland

          Article summary

          In 2012, three groups of neighbors from different Baltimore, MD communities reached out individually for assistance in cleaning up, protecting, and/or improving their community forests. In response, Baltimore Green Space (BGS) launched the forest stewardship network which included both neighbors and experts in forestry. The forest stewardship program hinges on cultivating resident interest, fostering collaborations, and conducting leadership development with community members, which involves over 300 neighbors in forest environmental engagements each year in 10-12 forest patches. This case study describes the positive outcomes that Baltimore neighbors and Baltimore Green Space achieved together over time.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • An accounting of how Baltimore Green Space and neighbors came together to steward urban forest patches together.
          • A description of how these initial partnerships led to further work with the U.S. Forest Service and university partners, providing important data about Baltimore's urban forested natural areas.

          How to use this resource:

          • As inspiration and as an example for creating a community-led urban forest stewardship program.

          Author: Katie Lautar

          Date published: 2020

          Point of contact: Katie Lautar, Executive Director, Baltimore Green Space, katherine@baltimoregreenspace.org

          Citation: Lautar, K. J. 2020. Leadership Learning Communities, Scientific Sustenance, and Adventures in Inspiration Feedback Loops in Baltimore, Maryland. Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 13: Iss. 1, Article 24. 

          Resource is available online here.


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