Invasive Plants and Biodiversity: A Targeted Management Guide for New York City Stewards

        Invasive Plants and Biodiversity: A Targeted Management Guide for New York City Stewards

          Article summary

          This guide is designed to assist volunteer stewards in New York City natural areas to identify and manage invasive species. It was co-developed with community stewards and NYC Parks Stewardship Team. The guide includes a description of native and invasive species, along with identification and management information for common invasive plants. The guide includes photos and descriptions of invasive plants along with similar native vines, shrubs, and herbaceous plants.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • An easy-to-understand description of native and invasive species.

          • A guide for common invasive and similar native plants in New York City.

          • Descriptions for how to manage common invasive species in New York City.

          How to use this resource:

          • As an example of a community engagement product.

          • As an example for explaining invasive species management to the public.

          Author: Helen Forgione, Natural Areas Conservancy, Grace Muset, Natural Areas Conservancy

          Date published: December, 2023

          Point of contact: Helen Forgione,