Guide to Implementing Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP)

        Guide to Implementing Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP)

          Article summary

          STEW-MAP (Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project) is an effort to map the local environmental groups and stewardship organizations in a city, showing the geography, size, budget, and scale of a group's work. The STEW-MAP tool enables practitioners to easily see which groups are doing what work, where in their city. The STEW-MAP Implementation Guide provides a methodology to creating a STEW-MAP of a city, from start to finish. STEW-MAP originated in New York City in 2007, but has since been expanded to other cities across the country, as well as cities in China, France, the Philippines, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • Guidance to develop an effective STEW-MAP team that understands stakeholders, the project site and the scope of the project. 
          • A way to explore and identify specific audiences of stakeholders that are impacted or affected by the scope of the STEW-MAP project, through NGO and non-profits public contact listings.
          • Multiple methods and means of survey outreach, and how to perform them, i.e. call, email, social media, etc.
          • A protocol and standards for compiling STEW-MAP population lists, survey outreach questionnaires, data management and cleaning.

          How to use this resource:

          • As a guide to scoping and building a STEW-MAP team.
          • To help find and identify stakeholders to develop your STEW-MAP groups.
          • As a source for social survey outreach methods.

          Author: Laura Landau, Lindsay Campbell, Erika Svendsen, Michelle Johnson

          Date published: 2019

          Point of contact: Laura Landau, Stew-Map Project Manager, NYC Urban Field Station, 

          Citation: Landau, L.; Campbell, L.; Svendsen, E.; Johnson, M. 2019. STEW-MAP Implementation Guide 2.0. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 6 p.

          Resource is available online here.


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