Indian Country 101 Training

        Indian Country 101 Training

          Article summary

          The Nature Conservancy's Washington State staff partnered with The Whitener Group, a tribal member-owned consulting firm, to help conservationists work better with Native American tribes and other Indigenous Peoples. The result of this collaboration is a tuition-free, self-paced training for learners interested in gaining foundational knowledge to use in working and collaborating with tribes. Learners from all organizations, across public and private sectors, are encouraged to use these trainings as professional development tools for staff.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • An opportunity to learn about Native history in the United States.
          • An overview of tribes today, including discussion of sovereignty and self-determination. 
          • An overview of the culture and identities of Indigenous Peoples across the United States. 

          How to use this resource:

          • Improve understanding of Native history and tribes in the United States.
          • Learn to engage with tribal leadership and nations in a respectful and meaningful way. 
          • Improve the effectiveness of community engagement efforts. 

          Resource is available online here.