Green Seattle Partnership Inventory Protocol

        Green Seattle Partnership Inventory Protocol

          Article summary

          The Green Seattle Partnership, a collaborative group including the city of Seattle, local nonprofit groups, and volunteers, has instituted a set of standardized inventory protocols to understand the condition of forested parklands under its stewardship. The protocols are a collection of procedures that can be replicated over time and in different places to compare the condition of management units (zones) against each other or over time. Data collection for the GSP inventory provides an assessment of a zone, the primary management unit within the GSP. It can occur at any point in the restoration process, and it can be conducted by contractors, professionals from a partner organization, or by trained volunteers. 

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • Protocols for collecting site-level inventory data, as well as tree and vegetation data.
          • Instructions to assure high data quality and best practices for data management.
          • Inventory data collection sheets.
          • In-depth species lists.

          How to use this resource:

          • A way to standardize data collection across staff, contractors, and volunteers.
          • An example of inventory data collection sheets.

          Author: Green Seattle Partnership

          Date published: June 2019

          Point of contact: Lisa Ciecko, Plant Ecologist, Green Seattle Partnership,     

          Citation: Green Seattle Partnership. 2019. Green Seattle Partnership Inventory Protocols. Seattle, WA. 

          Resource available online here.


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