Green Seattle Partnership Crew Work Specifications

        Green Seattle Partnership Crew Work Specifications

          Article summary

          This document is a compilation of best management practices to be used while carrying out Green Seattle Partnership restoration activities on properties managed by Seattle Parks and Recreation or on public lands in the City of Seattle where work is directed by Seattle Parks and Recreation. The body of work outlined in the GSP Crew Work Specifications is intended to be carried out by professional crews, not by volunteers. The City of Seattle has determined that if City staff, their contractors, and GSP volunteers comply with the BMPs, then GSP is following the restrictions included, but not exclusive, in the City’s Critical Areas Ordinances (CAO), Citywide Pesticide Use Reduction Strategy and Policy, and Seattle Parks Natural Area Best Management Practices.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • Protocols for project implementation that goes from vegetation removal, stormwater, and erosion controls, to litter removal and plant installation and irrigation in restoration activities. 
          • A planting calendar in the City of Seattle that includes wildlife and professional crew considerations, a target invasive species list, and pest control chemical guidance. 
          • Chemical treatment methods by each plant species. 

          How to use this resource:

          • As a guide to carry out restoration activities by Seattle Parks and Recreation in the City of Seattle.
          • To implement as manual as chemical invasive plants control. 
          • As a guide for contractors' pesticide applications.

          Author: Green Seattle Partnership

          Date published: 2021 (updated)

          Point of contact: Lisa Ciecko, Plant Ecologist, Seattle Parks and Recreation, 

          Citation: Green Seattle Partnership. 2021. Green Seattle Partnership Crew Work Specifications Update December 2021

          Resource is available online here.


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