Forest Patch First Aid: A Guide for Volunteer Forest Stewardship in Baltimore

        Forest Patch First Aid: A Guide for Volunteer Forest Stewardship in Baltimore

          Article summary

          Forest Patch First Aid is a comprehensive user guide for neighborhoods and communities to identify and care for Baltimore's forested areas. Inspired by Baltimore Green Space forest stewards and previous restorative work conducted in Baltimore's forest space, this document provides information on the different components of a forest including their trees, plants, wildlife, topography, and even trash. Additionally, Forest Patch First Aid offers suggestions on how to get community members involved, how to identify and remove certain invasive species and other types of indicators of healthy or unhealthy forests. Worksheets designed to facilitate volunteer workshops are also included in the guide.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • General information about Baltimore's forested areas and other components of a forest including management concerns and invasive species.
          • Suggestions, steps and materials to start a community-based forest clean up effort.
          • A list of expert organizations and other resources to help guide a forest patch clean-up.

          How to use this resource:

          • Use suggested methods to organize a forest patch clean up and rehabilitation program within your own communities.
          • Share basic knowledge of local forests with community members and stakeholders to generate interest in a forest patch clean up.  
          • Share with forest stewards in other cities or states to kickstart their own forest cleanups.

          Author: Katie Lautar, Baltimore Green Space

          Date published: 2014

          Point of contact: Katie Lautar, 

          Citation: Lautar, Katherine. 2014. Forest Patch First Aid. Baltimore Green Space, Baltimore, MD.

          Resource is available online here.


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