Climate Adaptation Actions For Urban Forests And Human Health

        Climate Adaptation Actions For Urban Forests And Human Health

          Article summary

          This report, Climate Adaptation Actions for Urban Forests and Human Health, synthesizes adaptation actions to address climate change in urban forest management and promote human health and well-being through nature-based solutions. It compiles and organizes information from a wide range of peer-reviewed research and evidence-based reports on climate change adaptation, urban forest management, carbon sequestration and storage, and human health response to urban nature. However, it does not provide specific recommendations or guidance for any particular place. It offers a range of action opportunities at different scales that can be incorporated into either comprehensive or specific climate adaptation initiatives.

          In a nutshell, this resource offers:

          • The Urban Forest Climate and Health Adaptation Menu, which presents information and ideas for optimizing the climate and human health outcomes of urban forestry projects.
          • A range of action opportunities at different scales that can be incorporated into either comprehensive or specific climate adaptation initiatives.

          How to use this resource:

          • To understand the potential impacts of climate change on urban forests in your region, and accompanying possible public health impacts.
          • As a source for strategies to address possible climate change impacts and the related impacts on urban forests and public health.

          Author: Maria Janowiak, Leslie Brandt, Kathleen Wolf, Mattison Brady, Lindsay Darling, Abigail Derby Lewis, Robert Fahey, Kristen Giesting, Eboni Hall, Molly Henry, Maisie Hughs, Justin Miesbauer, Kailey Marcinkowski, Todd Ontl, Annamarie Rutledge, Lydia Scott, Christopher Swanston

          Date published: 2021

          Point of contact: Leslie Brandt, Climate Change Specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, U.S. Forest Service,   

          Citation: Janowiak, M. K.; Brandt, L. A.; Wolf, K. L.; Brady, M.; Darling, L.; Lewis, A. D.; Fahey, R. T.; Giesting, K.; Hall, E.; Henry, M.; Hughes, M.; Miesbauer, J. W.; Marcinkowski, K.; Ontl, T.; Rutledge, A.; Scott, L.; Swanston, C. W. 2021. Climate Adaptation Actions for Urban Forests and Human Health. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-203. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.

          Resource is available online here.


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